No I
have not forgotten I have a Blog!!
Like some
other lucky New Zealanders (many, I know, need to work right through) I have
managed to close my office door for two weeks summer break. I am spending my
time taking part in the Wellington Regional Forest and Bird Summer Walking/Tramping programme – we are
up to Day Five tomorrow with a visit to Matiu/Somes Island. Although it has
rained off and on (and sometimes more on
than off) because it is so warm, the
rain doesn’t seem to be an issue.
It is a welcome change being in the out-of-doors to unpacking all the books which were boxed up in the garage but are now on brand new shelves.
Here is a photo to show you they are now up on the wall (this is just one unit –
there are others but not as big). Of course they are only roughly in order – childrens
and young adults/ adult fiction and non-fiction/ poetry/ ‘old’ books and three shelves
of DVDs – but alphabetical or Dewy order is not in place yet. The battered looking ones down on the left are ones I loved as a child and haven't ever been able to replace.
books (some real goodies) are accumulating and I will reopen my office door on January
9th. I am looking forward to sharing them with you.